Here's a photo of the staff of NeXT as of around December 1, 1985. L to R, here's who was there and what we did:
This photo, along with many other early NeXT photos, was taken by the photographer Doug Menuez. We hired Doug to stop by periodically and take photos of NeXT, which was a wonderful experience -- he got a lot of beautiful black and white photos of us at work (mostly candids, despite this shot). It's unclear to me whether the copyright on these photos belongs to Doug or to NeXT. I believe they were originally destined for a coffee-table book, which unfortunately never appeared.
Here's a photo (unfortunately, scanned in two pieces) of the staff a little later, probably around February 1986 (click on the image above for a larger version). From the photos, it looks like these two photos were actually taken at the same session, and the photo above was staged with just the smaller group (I don't remember specifics).
L to R (standing): Dan'l Lewin, Bill Wathen, Susan Kare, Bud Tribble, Tom Carlisle, Susan Kelly Barnes, Rich Page, Lynn Takahashi Franklin, Leo Hourvitz, Steve Jobs, George Crow, Jim Ulrich, Bruce Blumberg.
L to R (kneeling): Joanna Hoffman, Dave Egner, Caroline Rose, Bill Parkhurst.