While in general I loved my time in Canada, I did learn a few things
about our socialist neighbor that were appalling. Canada has a lot of
relatively empty land, but unfortunately that has led to the kind of cavalier
attitudes about the environment that produced decades of disasters in the
Nowhere is that more evident than in the way Canadian logging was managed.
Like much of the Western U.S., the land in Western Canada is mostly controlled
by the Canadian government; it's referred to as "Crown Land." It's leased
out in huge blocks to logging companies, who then clear-cut the land,
no matter how steep and erosion-prone the land might be.
In principle this isn't that different from the way the U.S. manages
National Forest land, but there are huge differences in practice. Firstly,
slipshod though U.S. forest management may sometimes be, the U.S. does
require logging companies to re-seed the land they log. In addition,
the land has to be re-seeded by hand (the cheapest way to re-seed is
to use helicopters, but this results in a stunted, unhealthy forest for
80 years. In Canada, at the time I was there, it wasn't clear the land
was required to the re-seeded at all (I certainly saw blocks that had
been cut for several years without visible new growth).
There were no controls on the steepness of the land that was leased
for clear-cutting in Canada. As these pictures of a scarily steep clear-cut
block along Duffey Lake Road between Pemberton and Lilloet show, some
of the blocks that are clear-cut are so steep they're subject to insane
erosion for the next several years -- which of course fills the streams
with silt as a result.
In much of the Western U.S., the logging companies have at least learned
the P.R. trick of not cutting the trees immediately next to the road.
No such luck in Canada, they happily cut right up to the road.
These pictures were taken mid-winter, so they don't show the true horror
of what these clear-cut blocks look like. In early spring, I went hiking
on a trail just south of Whistler that passed through a block which had
been clear-cut the previous summer. The only way to describe it is to
say that it looked like the aftermath of a "shock and awe" bombing war.
The ground was torn up beyond belief, with house-sized pits where a particularly
big (read: valuable) tree had once been housed, it was littered with
debris (wood shards and rocks), and it looked like nothing would grow
there for years. In fact, that might be true. |